Getting CTPLs Fast and Easy from Cebuana Lhuillier
Going to Land Transportation Office (LTO) to process car registration renewala is not just a man’s thing anymore. I’ve tried doing it a few times already and it’s not that hard. It just requires a great amount of patience and effort as the entire business of renewing a license or a car registration consists of falling in line for three different counters, whew! To renew a car registration permit it is required to buy CTPL (Compulsory Third Party Liability) insurance as well. This means there is an added work to look for an insurance company of your choice. Most times, to save time and effort, I’d just get it from one of the agents ( that I randomly choose) that swarm outside the LTO, that’s it. Little did I know that I could be getting fake CTPLs from these agents, or these insurance premium purchases would later give me problems […]