BlackBerry Kicks Off Global Scholars Program
Eight esteemed women, led by Alicia Keys, will select up to ten recipients from over 500 applicants to receive full four-year tuition scholarships in STEM-related fields Globally, women are vastly under-represented in technology fields. To help attract more women to our industry and address this massive gender gap, BlackBerry® is championing the next generation of women leaders in mobile computing as they advance their careers in this highly-competitive industry. The BlackBerry® Scholars Program, announced in May by Alicia Keys, BlackBerry’s creative director, is a global four-year scholarship program for outstanding women entering their first year of undergraduate study at an accredited college or university. The Program is designed to help drive the number of women engaged in mobile computing and related science, technology, engineering and math fields. We are pleased to announce that in this first year of the program, we received over 500 applications from women across 43 countries […]