Introducing: The new Honda XRM125
From the country’s no. 1 motorcycle brand, Honda launches another innovation in ingenuity with the new Honda XRM125. This bike is now equipped with the face of the world-famous CRF Series motorbikes – a fusion of toughness, powerful agility and style! SPECS HIGHLIGHTS This powerful, highly economical, environment-friendly and durable bike comes with 3 variants – the XRM125 Dual Sport which is the peoples’ bike, the XRM125 Motard which is a sleek ride for urban riders and the special edition XRM125 Dual Sport Extreme (DSX) which is designed to go beyond. All bikes are developed and designed with CRF DNA that will surely give Honda’s valued customer the real joy of riding both on/off road condition. The built-to-last feature of XRM is now upgraded to CRF characteristics that will provide customers with years of trouble free, low maintenance and riding enjoyment. Now, attention focus on the new headlight and […]