The Big Davao Fun Sale
You might think that we’re all about no-smoking signs and speed limits here in Davao City. There’s one interesting thing you need to know about us in this lovely southern part of the Philippines, we love SHOPPING, too! So brace yourselves because in time for the city’s annual celebration of Araw ng Davao, shopping malls have converged and teamed up to bring the first ever, Big Davao Fun Sale, a month-long citywide shopping frenzy starting March 14 until Apr 16, 2014. As as the biggest city in the world, Davao takes it to the next level to hold the biggest sale in the country! Expect unlimited shopper’s delight in shopping bonanzas, weekly parties, awesome prizes from the participating malls and enjoy up to 80% savings as the malls offer this on the following date schedules: March 14-15: General Sale (across all mall departments) March 16-23: Healthy […]