A #makeITsafePH campaign: Parenting in the Digital Age
Being a parent back in the day was totally different and more complicated compared to being one today. Thus, there are some things that are not applicable to my children even if age-old tales tell me that they were effective parenting techniques in the past. For example, allowing kids to speak out their mind freely was not a common practice before. In my time, we practiced maximum restraint in speaking with elders. No raising of voices, you should be talking only when asked, etc.etc. Today, kids are more open and it is much easier for them to express themselves that without proper guidance, would lead to disrespecting other people or persons of authority like their own parents and teachers. Of course values remain the same. Teaching kids the true meaning of respect, love and peace will never go out of style. Today, with the onset of digital revolution, responsible parenthood is indeed crucial. Whether we like it or […]