Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin streaming on HBO GO via SKY
Can you keep a secret? The Max Original series, “Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin”, will debut its ten-episodeseason with three episodes same time as the U.S. on Thursday, July 28 only onHBO GO via SKY. Two new episodes will follow on subsequent Thursdays, August 4and 11, with the final three episodes debuting August 18. Twenty years ago, a series of tragic events almost ripped the blue-collar town ofMillwood apart. Now, in present day, a disparate group of teen girls — a brand-newset of Little Liars — find themselves tormented by an unknown Assailant and madeto pay for the secret sin committed by their parents two decades ago…as well astheir own. In the dark, coming-of-age, horror-tinged drama “Pretty Little Liars:Original Sin,” we find ourselves miles away from Rosewood, but within the existingPretty Little Liars universe — in a brand-new town, with a new generation of LittleLiars. Bailee Madison, Chandler Kinney, Zaria, Malia Pyles, and […]