Filipinos are well-known for their creativity and ingenuity. Tough times bring out resourcefulness to create useful things we never thought would be possible.
I was simply amazed and genuinely proud (knowing that this was a brainchild of a kababayan) when I saw a feature of this on TV : a portion of an empty PET liter bottle filled with a mixture of chlorine/salt/filtered water, and installed by a scrap GI sheet, rubber sealant and rivets would brighten peoples’ homes at maximum cost of P5o each per Solar Liter bulb.
For people living below the poverty line, the improvised Solar Liter Bottles provide great impact to their lifestyle. This would mean so much for those who cannot afford to buy conventional bulbs and fluorescent lights that needed to be replaced on a regular basis. For what used to be dark kitchen, dining or living rooms, will now radiate with hopeful “liters” of light.
And why not? Based on the average usage, an improvised bulb can last up to 5 years saving households P400 from their electricity bills.

2013 National Chair JCI Member Anna Lim demostrates the Liter of Light set-up to a Davao City community
This noble project called Liter of Light started in 2011 when the The Junior Chamber International Philippines (JCIP) worked together with My Shelter Foundation led by Actor/JCI Member Iliac Diaz. From then on the project was successfully implemented in various cities and provinces in the Philippines such as Legazpi, Bulacan, Palawan, Bohol, Iloilo, Aklan, Cagayan de Oro, Iligan, Surigao City, Pagadian, Zamboanga, and Marilog District in Davao City.
This year (2013), My Shelter Foundation and JCIP aims to bring light to the households of 10,o00 families situated in 100 cities across the Philippines.
The Junior Chamber International (JCI) is the leading global organization of young active citizens. JCI is membership-based nonprofit organization of 200,000 young people ages 18 to 40 in 5,000 communities and more than 100 countries around the world. The JCI Mission is “to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.”
this is a great project not just for our impoverished kababayans but also for our environment!
This is a very commendable project and to think that the benefit can be given without incurring too much costs.
Wow! that’s great that they’re taking good action that everyone is benefited and good to our nature.
What a helpful program for our needy fellowmen, keep it up JCI!
I have seen houses in San Pedro. Laguna using this magic bulb. Ang galing, be sure lang na Gi roofed ang top ng house mo.
Was this the one spearheaded by Ilac Diaz! I love that man! He acts upon what could be considered an idealist’s thought and most of them are towards the benefit of those who are limited by their resources.
I have read this in the news and a very great idea! I hope the one who invented this can secure a patent to protect his invention and intellectual property rights to the concept and prototype.
This will certainly help a lot of our fellowmen back home who can save a lot and cut back on electricity.
I admire JCI and My Shelter of Light for coming up with this project. This does not only help the households but also but also gives hope to the beneficiaries.
I’ve read and heard of the same kind of project a few months ago, that would be a very good and a beneficial project worth investing time and money.
Wow! That is simply an amazing project! 🙂
Very good! 🙂