Naproxen Sodium (Sarimax) knows no body pain
The effects of COVID-19 are felt to this day most especially economically. People lost their jobs, some needed to close shop after years of existence, others are barely surviving. Needless to say, numerous people found themselves working double to make up for income losses. Challenging as it may be, there is a silver lining as the situation proves how resiliency will get one by. This story is evident in the world more so in the Philippines. Not only are Filipinos known to be a friendly race; Filipinos are also popularly known to be hardworking. For some reason, the more physical the job, the more effort has to be exerted. Often do we hear the term “Push lang ng push!” Push to keep going, push to finish the task, push not to quit. Pushing the body strength reflects a strong and determined attitude translating that Filipinos will go through great lengths […]