Live Safe Now with Defensil
In the midst of the current health crisis, it is very crucial to protect our families from the virus. It is good to know that Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol enables Filipinos to continue their lifestyles during the pandemic, allowing them to still do the activities they love while staying safe and healthy. For my family, it is a must to carry alcohol when we go out of the house. Also, the moment we enter our car after a trip to the bank, grocery or wherever, we always make it a habit to spray alcohol on our hands. As the rubbing alcohol brand recommended by the Philippine Society for Microbiology, Filipinos can live safe wherever they are with Defensil Isopropyl Alcohol – whether commuting to work, doing essential errands such as buying groceries at the supermarket or palengke, or even working out outdoors or shopping online – since it starts to kill […]