Kilusang Kontra Kuto by Licealiz now on its 4th year
It was about at this time last year when I participated in Kilusang Kontra Kuto (KKK) led by Licealiz Head Lice Treatment Shampoo. We went to a public elementary school at the northern part of Davao City in Toril for a shampooing activity and informative discussion in preventing/fighting against head lice or nits (kuto) infestation . Now, on KKK’s 4th year, Lamoiyan Corporation continues its advocacy for a kuto-free Philippines with an aim to shampoo around 6,000 students in 30 schools all over the Philippines. It has once again partnered with the Dept. of Education (DepEd), Drugstore Associations of the Phils (DSAP) and Mommy Bloggers Philippines. Here in Davao City, I am so pleased to be part for this worthwhile project for the second time. This time, we visited a Cesareo Villa Abrille Elementary School in Barangay Bucana. It is situated at the downtown area. Together with other mommy bloggers, I was excited to witness the activity where pupils, […]