JCI Philippines’ Liter of Light Project
Filipinos are well-known for their creativity and ingenuity. Tough times bring out resourcefulness to create useful things we never thought would be possible. I was simply amazed and genuinely proud (knowing that this was a brainchild of a kababayan) when I saw a feature of this on TV : a portion of an empty PET liter bottle filled with a mixture of chlorine/salt/filtered water, and installed by a scrap GI sheet, rubber sealant and rivets would brighten peoples’ homes at maximum cost of P5o each per Solar Liter bulb. For people living below the poverty line, the improvised Solar Liter Bottles provide great impact to their lifestyle. This would mean so much for those who cannot afford to buy conventional bulbs and fluorescent lights that needed to be replaced on a regular basis. For what used to be dark kitchen, dining or living rooms, will now radiate with hopeful “liters” […]