Muzic’s Kool’s Kanta Kwento: Heartfelt and Soulful
Love, joy, inspiration, longing, assumption, unforgiveness, brokenness, frustration, annoyance, desperation, faith, assurance, hope, and renewal. These are some of the varied experiences that inspired the artist to create songs to capture the drama of human emotions. “Kanta-Kwento” is an album that verbalized the different sentiments, random thoughts, and feelings that could not be simply said in our casual face-to-face conversations with the people involved in our lives. “Kanta-Kwento” mirrors the humans being fully engaged with life. It is an artist’s subtle self-assurance that life goes on and one has to keep moving on, learning from the experiences and picking up the pieces to begin a new story. This emotion-packed musical collaboration is a reflection of the unique creativity of some of Davao’s emerging homegrown musicians. All songs were composed by Jeremy Sarmiento, with music skillfully arranged by Jonathan Ferrero, Jr. and Paolo Sisi. These are nicely interpreted by both budding and known singers and musicians […]